Robert Garret Thew

Painting/Drawing, Sculpture

1892 – 1964

Biography/Description of Work

Robert Garret Thew (aka R. Garret Thew or Garret Thew) was born in Sharon, Connecticut in 1892.  He was a painter and sculptor. He attended Syracuse University and the New York City Art Students League and studied under Edward Penfield, Walter Briggs, and John Carlson. Thew was associated with the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency and produced designs for New England businesses, including General Electric. For the Connecticut WPA Federal Arts Project, he completed eight plaques around the theme “History of Writing.” He lived in Westport and started the Garrett-Thew Studios.

Sources view
Uconn database,,,,, Robert Garret Thew Article - New York Times - 1981-8-9, Robert Garret Thew Obituary - New York Times - 1964-3-3
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